Addison, Tripp, and Taylor, posing for their 11 month (monthly) pose. I made sure, no matter what they took a picture on the 11th of every month....well, almost....
Rob and I met on May 15, 1998. Yes, we both remember the date. It was the night of my friends' birthday (Christy) and we were out at Cabos Downtown, in Houston for Happy Hour. I was tapped on the shoulder by someone named Todd (and I was thinking GRRREAT!), but he pointed out this very tall boyishly handsome man. Todd told me his friend wanted to meet me. His friend's name was Rob Moss. Rob told his friends that next Monday (2 days later) that he met the woman he was going to marry. Three years later he did, we married on September 22, 2001.
Cameron (or affecionately known as Papo) was born December 23, 2002. He is our first child, and he decided to meet the world on a dark and stormy night at 9:11 pm. The lights went out in the hospital, but the generators quickly kicked in, and I only noticed the lights flash in the operating room. Yes, operating room, he was delivered by C-Section after 4 hours of me trying to deliver him naturally. I was in labor for over 24 hours, so the Dr. decided it was time to intervene. He was also about a week past due, he just did not want to leave his warm home.
The Trio
Addison was one of triplets born on August 11, 2006. She was Baby A, and the first one to be born. She is independant ( a leader), mischievous, soft spoken but a drama queen at the same time. She loves to cuddle. She loves her daddy! She's the one I cannot keep contained in a crib, behind any gate, or in her bedroom!
Taylor is the middle Triplet, and she was Baby B. She is in no way the middle child. She is full of personality and character. She was also the smallest at birth weighing at 4 lbs 2 ounces! She wears her heart on her sleeve, andloves loves to jump and prance. My little princess has been through alot since birth, and so far she has made it through with flying colors. Her issues came well after birth, so it was not a result of being a triplet.
Tripp was the last to be born of Triplets. He was Baby C. He is my little prince. He is Cameron's Mini Me. It was like Deja Vu when he was born. He has a one track mind, when he wants something he wants it and will not let it go. He's definitely a Mama's Boy, just like his Big Brother.
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