Friday, April 13, 2007

Family Generations - December 16, 2006

We completely forgot to take a picture with just our family, Rob me and the kids at the church on the day of the baptism ( December 16, 2006). Not only did we forget Cameron in my family 'Three Generation Pic", but we also forgot to take a picture with just us. Pretty soon we will forget to bring one of the children home, and accidentally leave one behind!!!! YIKES!!!! Anyway, we realized this when we got people were kind enough to take a picture of us in front of our fireplace. So this is it, at least we got one! Rob is holding the girls, Taylor on the left and Addison on the right. I am holding Tripp, and Cameron is dying for the pictures to be done for the day!! This would be 2 Generations.

The day of the baptism, we took family pictures as well. This is our three generation family picture. We knew it may be hard to get everyone together on one day. This is my side (Tricia) of the family. The babies' and Cameron's grandparents and parents (Abuelo Fico, Tita (short for Abuelita). My brother Freddy and his wife Katrina are also in the picture. It was soooo crazy that day, that we didn't realize Cameron was not in the picture too. Goes to show what having triplets does to the brain!!!!

Four Generations with my children's great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents. (Gigi and Grandpapa, Nana and Grandpa, and Rob and I) Rob's sister Nancy, her husband Eric, and baby Logan are also in the picture as well. This picture is a four generation picture for my husband Rob and his Sister Nancy. This is his side of the family. Good thing we remembered Cameron, because we forgot about him in a couple of other pictures. These pictures were taken the day of the babies' baptism, December 16, 2006 at St. Helen's Catholic Church in Pearland.

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