Sunday, April 15, 2007

Babies Turn 7 months - St. Patrick's Day

"RUB ME FOR GOODLUCK" is what Tripp is sporting, and the girls love their mommy with "MOMMY'S GOOD LUCK CHARM".

The babies are hoping to find their pot of gold, but no rainbows is beautiful spring weather.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

February 14, 2007 - Valentine's Day - HUG ME!!

Valentine's Day.......The babies are opening up their arms for a BIG HUG!!

February 11, 2007 the Triplets turned 6 months old

The triplets had their 6 month checkup, and here is how it went:
Addison Grace: She remains the longest baby, and is very long for a regular 6 month old baby. She is 26 5/8 incles long, coming in at 85 %percentile, and 17lbs 3 oz coming in at 88%percentile in weight. She is a BIG girl, probably going to be taller than her mama!! Poor thing, she will never wear heels. She is rolling all around, that is how she gets places. Not too interested in trying to crawl. She does want to sit up from the lying position soooo badly. She is starting to figure out, you lean to the side to get up on her own. She is babbling, and says Dada....and a bunch of other jibberish. She seems to be the baby everyone admires. She is a pretty little baby, and has been filmed and pictures are being used for advertisments. I think part of the admiration is she is so easy going. She will go with anyone, and go anywhere. Just like her mama was when she was a baby too!!

Taylor Katherine: My smallest (shortest now) is actually the heaviest (for her height). She weighs 18 lbs and is 90% percentile in weight, and she is 25 3/4 inches long, which is 50%percentile in length. She has the biggest and most rolls of the three. She loves to eat, and will keep eating even when she has that glazed over look of fullness! She was seeming to do everything last, but she decided to be the first one to get a tooth. That night was AWFUL!! She woke every hour, and I kept thinking she was poor baby (The Dr. told me they were NOT teething). Anyway, she also decided to outdo Tripp, who has been sitting up very well on his own. He wasn't quite there, and she just decides one day that she is going to be first on getting it down! She sat and never fell over again. She babbled last though, and calls for her mama!! We call her miss grumpy, because she doesn't like strangers or going places AT ALL!! She has severe stranger anxiety right now.

Tripp Douglas: He is definitely the biggest baby overall. He is stocky and weighs the most. He is just so solid, just like his big brother Cameron was. He weighs in at 18lbs 14 oz, which is 75% percentile, and he is 25 5/8 inches long (which is 45% percentile in height). Taylor started to close in on him, because she was eating solids the best at first. He eats the best now, opens his mouth nice and wide!! It's much better than the close the mouth and pucker up like a fish, very hard to get a spoon through that!! He is definitely the more advanced of the babies. He held up his head, was sitting up, he is trying to crawl, and he started babbling saying "Mama" first and now 'Dada" and other similar sounding sounds. Tripp is easy going when he feels like it. He really is easy going as a baby, but he does NOT like to be messed with. He also is a destroyer of toys, and has a very BAD temper. Rob thinks Cameron is a challenge, let's about this one when he is a toddler!!

The babies are doing wonderfully, and have pretty much caught up to other full term babies. They definitely have surpassed them on the weight scale. No problems with eating for these babies. We had them evaluated to make sure they were progressing fine, and they are. We hope everyone enjoys the babies pictures since I have updated the Blog and the website

Rub a Dub Dub----Three babies in a tub!!!!

Addison, Tripp, and Taylor all trying out one of their moses baskets. It seems as if they don't fit so well all together. Check out the link below for Addison all alone in her basket:

Here is Tripp chilling out in his older brothers room. He is about 5 months old in this picture:

January 11 2007, The Triplets turn 5 months old

The babies are 5 months old now, and are rolling around everywhere!! They are trying hard to sit up, especially little miss Addison. We are having GO CUBS day today. Everyone including Cameron are wearing their cubs gear!!

The bumbo seat is the best invention ever!! it helps the babies sit up and contains them as well!! The babies like them too!!! GOOOOO CUUUUUBBBBBSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Christmas 2006 - First Portraits taken with Big Brother

Santa brought our family three surprises this year. You can see they are safely nestled under the tree. Big Brother Cameron with Addison, Tripp, and Taylor (left to right). Addison keeps trying to sit up straight all by herself, she thinks she is a big girl!! These definitely were the toughest holidays, but the most fun and memorable at the same time. Just like the beginning of the book "Tale of Two Cities".....It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom (something like that)..........Rob and I would not trade it for the world though!

Cameron takes center stage underneath our Christmas tree. He loves to take pictures, and then asks to see!! he always wants to see....good thing we have a digital camera! He is becoming such a ham, hey, but it's easy for me to snap a pic of him when needed. He also allows me to take pics of him with his baby brother and sisters!!!! Let's see how long that lasts.

Here is our version of their formal portrait above. I thought I could pull it off, but no not really. These POOR POOR babies, all what they go through so I can try and get a good pic!!

First Formal Pictures of the Trio

The first formal pictures taken of the triplets are their baptism pictures. Taylor is first, followed by Tripp, and then Addison. I fused these into one picture, that is why the babies look like such different sizes.

YES, Tripp is in a dress....but just for once in his life. He is wearing his brother's (Cameron) outfit.

Family Generations - December 16, 2006

We completely forgot to take a picture with just our family, Rob me and the kids at the church on the day of the baptism ( December 16, 2006). Not only did we forget Cameron in my family 'Three Generation Pic", but we also forgot to take a picture with just us. Pretty soon we will forget to bring one of the children home, and accidentally leave one behind!!!! YIKES!!!! Anyway, we realized this when we got people were kind enough to take a picture of us in front of our fireplace. So this is it, at least we got one! Rob is holding the girls, Taylor on the left and Addison on the right. I am holding Tripp, and Cameron is dying for the pictures to be done for the day!! This would be 2 Generations.

The day of the baptism, we took family pictures as well. This is our three generation family picture. We knew it may be hard to get everyone together on one day. This is my side (Tricia) of the family. The babies' and Cameron's grandparents and parents (Abuelo Fico, Tita (short for Abuelita). My brother Freddy and his wife Katrina are also in the picture. It was soooo crazy that day, that we didn't realize Cameron was not in the picture too. Goes to show what having triplets does to the brain!!!!

Four Generations with my children's great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents. (Gigi and Grandpapa, Nana and Grandpa, and Rob and I) Rob's sister Nancy, her husband Eric, and baby Logan are also in the picture as well. This picture is a four generation picture for my husband Rob and his Sister Nancy. This is his side of the family. Good thing we remembered Cameron, because we forgot about him in a couple of other pictures. These pictures were taken the day of the babies' baptism, December 16, 2006 at St. Helen's Catholic Church in Pearland.

4 Months - The Triplets turn 4 months on December 11, 2006

Taylor, Tripp, and Addison pose for their Christmas themed 4 month picture. How big they are getting. They went on their 4 month checkup and the stats are as follows.

  • Addison weighed 14lbs 12 ounces she was 24 3/4 inches long (73%percentile in weight and 55% in height)
  • Tripp was 16lbs 5 ounces and 24 3/4 inches long (80%percentile in weight and 23% in height)
  • Taylor was 14lbs 12 ounces, and she was 24 inches in length (she is 75%in weight and 26% in height)

For preemies they are very BIG babies!!!!! And THINK it's all 100% breastmilk at this stage, we are going to start rice cereal soon. I think Taylor is the one who needs to the most....she is my hungry...hungry hippo!!!!!!

Thanksgiving 2006

This was the first holiday the babies spent at home. Here they are dressed in their First Thanksgiving Outfits. I am pretty sure this is the first time they have all been dressed exactly alike too!!!! I usually have Tripp a bit different since he is the boy. We have Tripp in the middle, with Addison on the left and Taylor on his right. My family (Tricia) came over and cooked for us, it was a nice treat.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Chicks Dig My Ride

Tripp wearing his COOL CAR ONSIE, it says "Chicks Dig My Ride" I think this picture speaks for itself!!!!! I also think like father like son..............

3 Months - Triplets at 3 months of Age

The triplets turn 3 months today, and it was hard to get them in their cute little outfits. They are growing so fast, and as you can see Tripp's tummy is exposed. These outfits are so adorable and were given to us by Greg and Claudia Houck. Left to Right, Addison, Tripp, and Taylor.

I also took a picture with Cameron and his three little brother and sisters. Cameron always wants to be included in ALL pictures. Then he likes to see the picture in the cameron once it's taken. He is becoming more and more attached to his siblings!!

Halloween 2006 - Spending it in Texas Children's Hospital

The babies spent their first holiday in the hospital, at this stage everyone was on the road to pictures were a must. We dressed them in their halloween gear (with minor adjustments to the outfits to fit over IV's etc.) to mark the occassion. If some of you didn't realize, the triplets all came down with RSV (Respiratory Synchtial Virus) and required hospitalization. Tripp and Taylor were the worst, almost requiring intubation to help them breathe. Tripp and Taylor were put on CPAP, and had to spend time in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). We are thankful that they made it through, and are safe and well back at home. The first picture above is of Tripp, the babies were approximately 2 1/2 months old.

Taylor (middle picture) a few days before release day. She spent the most time in the hospital, being the one who became ill first. Overall she was the sickest, but thankfully bounced back!
the day before being released from TCH.
Addison (bottom picture) looks as if she she saw a ghost. She did the best overall, and we say she was on vacation in the NICU. She did suffer slight dehydration from not wanting to eat, but they had her on IV fluids to take care of that.