Sunday, January 20, 2008

10 Months - Father's Day 2007

Father's Day 2007, Rob looks SOOO happy that he is a father of 4!! HA!! Anyway, there he is with the trio and Cameron. Tripp is showing off his standing/walking skills, while the girls are with their Dada!! Taylor is totally a Daddy's girl, and Addison is becoming one. Cameron is still trying to figure out where all these babies came from! He enjoys them though, and tells everyone they are his babies.

All three babies having a good time, everybody just had to sit in the chaor together!! THEY ARE SOO CUTE! I amn ot biased or anything.

Tripp GOT caught! Enough said...

WHERE's TAYLOR????? THERE SHE IS!!! They all love to play peek a boo, it's a favorite!!

9 Months - Babies turn 9 months on Mother's Day

This is a placeholder for their 9 month pics.

EASTER - Babies Turn 8 Months Old

We have a Photo Shoot of the babies on the Triplets Website, which is . Click on this link, and it will take you directly to the photo shoot. Click on the left and right arrow buttons top right corner to navigate through pictures. The babies are getting very mobile, and crawl ALL over the place and into everything. I know they will walk sooner rather than later. After having one child, a person can tell these things. I was hoping for later!!! Oh, WELL!! Here are a couple of nice pictures you will see there. Taylor, Tripp, and Addison left to right in both pictures you see here.